Appvion, Inc.

On October 1, 2017, Appvion, Inc. and 5 affiliated debtors (collectively, the “Debtors” or the “Company”) each filed a voluntary petition for relief under Chapter 11 of the United States Bankruptcy Code in the United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware. The cases are pending before the Honorable Kevin J. Carey, and are jointly administered under Case No. 17-12082.

On November 15, 2017, an order was entered dismissing the Chapter 11 Case of Appvion Global Netherlands Cooperatief, U.A.

The Company intends to use these proceedings to facilitate a balance sheet restructuring and better position itself for long-term growth and success. Appvion expects to emerge a stronger, more competitive company, backed by a sustainable capital structure.

During the process, Appvion’s business is operating as usual. The Company will work closely with its vendors and customers to ensure that ongoing obligations are met and that production and delivery are uninterrupted throughout the restructuring process.
